- TJ is a PhD Candidate
- Annakate wins ESA Disease Ecology Best Paper Award!
- Daniel and Annakate present dissertation research at ESA
- TJ presents dissertation research at WDA conference
- New paper led by Annakate on parasite introduction by invasive species
- Annakate is a PhD candidate!
- Daniel is a PhD candidate!
- TJ awarded Sigma XI grant
- TJ awarded Joshua Laerm award
- New paper led by Annakate
- Congratulations Daniel!
- Welcome Daniel & Grant
- Annakate awarded stipend to attend wildlife conservation meeting
- Parasite specialism
- Estimating the number of mammal species
- Link prediction
- Ebola spillover risk
- Jenna awarded summer CURO fellowship and presented at recent CURO symposium
- David awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- Predicting host species
- Situation critical
- Spatial spread of Ebola
- The big picture of infectious diseases
- Sexual transmission of Ebola virus may jeopardize outbreak control
- Coral diseases under the microscope
- Refugia and drug resistance
- Interspecific contact and competition may affect the strength and direction of disease-diversity relationships for directly transmitted microparasites
- (How) does vector species richness increase parasite transmission?